Wet weather has visitor in bad humour.. The very inclement and unseasonal weather experienced throughout the Christmas holidays put the usual holiday visitor to the bay in very bad humour. Setting in early Christmas week, the floodgates of Heaven poured incessant rain and accompanied with gales which caused rough seas, made the usual places of pleasure unapproachable. The disastrous war being waged has had it's effect on the holiday traffic, and although the accommodation houses had their compliments they were not overtaxed. The bad weather which seemed to have no end, was also responsible for many cutting their visit short. The bay was honoured with a visit from the Hon. J.H.Cann M.L.A for Canterbury. Arriving during the rain for the purpose of testing the fishing , but "Old Hughie" was still sending down, so the fish were spared, and the Chief Secretary packed his traps and boarded his motor car, en route for Nowra.
The state of the roads came up for particular attention. The same old holes are still evident only much larger, and many more of them. People complained that since the inauguration of local government very little had been done. It seemed much better work was done when the highways were in the control of the Works Department.
It seems the man who used a motor car for his trade needed to have a big heart placed in his body to face the many pitfalls that await him on the roads. Seems the government at the time wasn't much different to the present day Government, for it taxed the motor car driver and promised to spend the money on bettering the local road works.
100 years since these words and we are still waiting!
A regatta was held on Boxing Day on Currumbene Creek and was as successful as a thunderstorm which fell in the afternoon would allow.
More money for Naval the College . The new year is to see the advent of increased activity at the Naval College, and an additional vote of money is to be expended in finding work for the unemployed.
Steamers from Melbourne have been arriving, transporting material from the temporary college at Geelong, and all is being made snug for the cadets, who are to arrive shortly.
The buildings, completed with their red tiled roofs, present a pleasing appearance, and local residents feel proud that the authorities thought fit to make this the base for training the future protectors of Australia's shores.
New cottages for Huskisson. Three or four new cottages have been erected in Huskisson during the past twelve months, and the erection of the buildings at the Naval College would seem to have bought a spirit of emulation to light at Huskisson.
Commercial interest in Huskisson flounders. There seems to be nothing doing here commercially. with the exception of fishing.
The timber industry is dead, and no boat building is proceeding. Still everyone seems to be prosperous, so what use to worry ?
The rains finally stop. Finally the rains stopped and was the signal for the issuing forth of all and sundry to the beaches to enjoy a little fresh air after confinement. Some parties tried fishing with success, whilst others availed themselves of the opportunity for swimming, oystering, etc.
Pioneer of a new industry. A young man equipped with a forked stick and a bottle of self made antidote, came along and asked where he would be likely to drop across snakes. He was directed along Currumbene Creek, but returned empty handed. He said he was a pupil of the late Professor Fox, who plied a similar trade round La Perouse an little time back.
Fox met his death in India, owing to one puncture inflicted by a Cobra being neglected.
The snakes, which must be venomous, are sold to the University of Sydney at one shilling and inch. Death Adders are also accepted at the same price. Perhaps one day will come when our old enemy the snake will receive it's proper recognition, and take it's place amongst the assets of the State.
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